During a short Nov. 13 meeting, Williamson County Commissioners Court accepted additional changes to the 2018-19 budget order, which contains policies related to the budget. County Judge Dan Gattis recommended to add RCS radios—the county's radio communications system—to the list of funded items that cannot be moved. Therefore, if a county department were looking to shuffle money around, it could not take money from those funds. “Those funds are put in the budget by the auditor’s and the budget department because we know what you are going to have to do there,” Gattis said. “Moving [the money] out just doesn’t work.” The court plans to still revisit the budget order and finalize amendments to the county vehicles portions of the document in the coming weeks. Precinct 3 Commissioner Valerie Covey was not present during the meeting.

In other business:

  • The court named Dec. 4 the Tree of Angels Day in Williamson County. On Dec. 4 at 6 p.m., there will be a special event to honor the victims of violent crimes and their family. The event will be held the Historic Williamson County Courthouse, 710 Main St., Georgetown.
  • The court also accepted the resignation of Juli Word as the Williamson County representative on the Capital Metro board of directors effective Nov. 30. She will be replaced by Eric Stratton until the term expires on June 30, 2020.