The team behind CodeNEXT—Austin's land development code rewrite—released on July 12 several recommendations for improving mobility and resolving transportation issues within the city.
The set of recommendations is the third of four code prescriptions to be released as part of the CodeNEXT process and outlines steps for transforming Austin from an auto-centric to a multimodal region that supports walking, bicycling and public transit.
"Most of Austin’s streets are designed for moving motor vehicles, which means that land use patterns are also designed primarily for automobile use," the prescription reads. "These dated designs encourage driving for most trips, making use of other travel modes challenging. "
Code changes recommended in the mobility prescription to address these issues include
- Changing street design standards
- Addressing sidewalk connectivity and quality
- Implementing strategies such as carpooling, bike- and car-share options and shared parking that takes into account development types
- Using tools such as density bonuses to create more housing along transit corridors and unbundling the cost of parking from the cost of housing
The full CodeNEXT mobility prescription can be viewed
here. The final CodeNEXT prescription, related to fiscal health, is scheduled to be released in September.