After Pflugerville voters rejected a $10.7 million bond proposition for a new animal shelter, Pflugerville City Council will consider alternate ways to address concerns about the age and condition of the current facility on Dec. 8, the city announced this month. The animal shelter bond proposition failed with 2,200 votes, or 53 percent, against the measure and 1,941 votes, or 47 percent, in favor of it, according to Travis and Williamson County posted election results. Pflugerville Mayor Jeff Coleman, who vocally opposed the animal shelter proposition, said shortly after the election results were posted he asked city staff to create a new plan to address the needs of animals in Pflugerville. A city statement noted the plan will be a rehabilitation and master plan for the current facility. At a Nov. 10 council meeting, Pflugerville resident Karyn Buchanan asked City Council to move quickly in addressing concerns about the current animal shelter. “It was clear to me in talking to others that there are many people on both sides of the fence that are in complete agreement that something needs to be done with the shelter," she said. "We need to make improvements to the shelter we have. In my opinion its an urgent need.”  According to the city, staff are considering shelter issues such as visibility, trail connections, sound barriers, public image and outdoor animal play areas in developing a plan for the shelter. “We have a plan outlined if a new facility went out at [Lake Pflugerville] which was part of the bond, but I’m now directing staff to look further into options to make similar improvements into the existing shelter,” City Manager Brandon Wade said in a statement. “Just because the bond for a new shelter did not pass does not mean the city is going to be idle. We have several needs at the facility and we will be presenting options to City Council in December for their consideration.”