On April 10 the city of Cedar Park named Katherine Caffrey, former director of community affairs, as new assistant city manager. The city also named Julia Mitschke, former Cedar Park Public Library operations manager, as new library direct

Caffrey replaces Josh Selleck, the former assistant city manager who left the city in March to become city manager in Kilgore.

Caffrey joined the city in 2007 as assistant to the city manager. She worked as utilities program manager from 2010-11 and as director of community affairs from 2012-15.

"I look forward to continuing the serve our vibrant community in this new role," Caffrey said in a statement.

Caffrey said she will continue organizing community programs, such as the ongoing Destination Bell Boulevard study. Since January the city has been inviting community feedback regarding ways of revitalizing the corridor, particularly between Park Street and Cypress Creek Road.

The Cedar Park assistant city manager supervises several departments, such as finance, development services, information services, and the media and communications office.

The assistant city manager also supervises the Cedar Park Public Library and its new director.

Mitschke replaces Pauline Lam, the former library director who retired in January.

Mitschke started working with the library in 2006 as a children's library assistant. She has held several other positions, most recently interim library director after Lam's departure.

The library includes 22 employees in its 25,500-square-foot facility, according to a city release.

Mitschke was also in charge of finishing the Cedar Park Public Library Master Plan, which City Council approved March 26. The plan recommends three solutions to library overcrowding, such as expanding the current facility on Discovery Boulevard or building a new library facility.

"The staff has a strong roadmap going forward for how to continue providing great service to our growing community," Mitschke said in a statement.