On Saturday, Nov. 8, Cedar Park will host its annual veterans parade and ceremony and Leander will hold a festival and groundbreaking for Leander Veterans Park.

Cedar Park veterans parade and ceremony

In Cedar Park, guests can bring blankets and chairs to sidewalks near the intersection of Hur Industrial Boulevard and Woodall Drive. At 9:30 a.m. the parade will leave the junction, head up West New Hope Drive and return. The parade will feature decorated floats and vintage cars.

At 11 a.m. the city will host a veterans ceremony in Veterans Memorial Park, 2525 W. New Hope Drive. Guests can find out more by viewing the city's website or calling 512-401-5500.

Leander festival and park dedication

The city of Leander plans an afternoon festival in honor of veterans.

The event will last from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the site of the future Veterans Park, 1011 S. Bagdad Road. Visitors can see military vehicles and browse vendors, said Steve Bosak, director of the Leander Parks and Recreation Department.

At noon the city will hold a park groundbreaking ceremony nearby at Leander Public Library. When finished, the park will include a monument and walkway.

Guests can read more at the Parks and Recreation Department's website, or call 512-528-9909.

Cedar Park plans December ceremony for World War II veterans

On Oct. 29, Cedar Park City Council approved initial plans for an event on Pearl Harbor Day, Sunday, Dec. 7, to commemorate Cedar Park residents who served during World War II.

Mayor Matt Powell said the event could be held outdoors under a tent in the afternoon or at sunset. Katherine Woerner, Cedar Park director of community affairs, said city staffers have located 72 World War II veterans in Cedar Park.

"I'm delighted that we have that many," Powell said.

Council members joined the mayor in voicing support for a tribute to the veterans' service while they can still appreciate the honor. Powell said the city might also invest in ceremonial keys to the city to distribute to veterans, the highest honor Cedar Park leaders can give.

"We [could] have some kind of a flyover, perhaps with World War II airplanes," Place 4 Councilman Lowell Moore said, and referred to a similar event in Marble Falls.

Moore added that City Council could make the event an annual one for surviving veterans.