A pedestrian safety project will soon be underway after Austin City Council approved the execution of $1.9 million grant to install safety devices throughout the city.
The $1.9 million grant from TxDOT will go towards the study of intersections and installation of three different types pedestrian safety devices throughout the city. They include countdown timers, pedestrian hybrid beacons and pedestrian signals.
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons, such as this one on South Lamar, are among the pedestrian safety devices being funded by TxDOT's grant.[/caption]
The countdown timers, which offer a visual and audible countdown indicator for pedestrians, will be installed in at least 500 intersections throughout the city. According to city documents, these timers would result in a 25-percent reduction in pedestrian crashes.
Pedestrian hybrid beacons are pedestrian-activated warning devices that provide a stop-control in areas that do not have enough pedestrian traffic to warrant a traffic signal. The major arterial roads that are being studied and considered for the beacons are Airport Boulevard, Oltorf Street, Manchaca Road and South Congress Avenue.
Accessible pedestrian signals are similar to the countdown timers, but provide an audible indication of when and when not to walk. These are especially useful for the visually-impaired community. At least 12 locations are being considered for these pedestrian signals.