Cedar Park City Council approved agreements for two large intersection projects at its March 12 meeting. The intersection improvements will be at Bell Boulevard, Whitestone Boulevard and Parmer Lane.

Bell Boulevard at Cypress Creek Road Intersection Improvements Project

The Bell Boulevard intersection project will improve the southbound right turn lane on Bell Boulevard at Cypress Creek Road. The right turn lane will be widened for safer turns. The city received nine statements of qualifications for the improvement project on Feb. 10, and Dannenbaum Engineering Co. – Austin LLC ranked highest on the city’s grading criteria. City Council approved an agreement with Dannenbaum at the March 12 meeting.

Timeline: TBD

Cost: $75,000

Funding source: Cedar Park Community Development Corp. (Type B)

2015 General Obligation Bond Intersections Improvement Project

This project improves several intersections located at C Bar Ranch Trail at Whitestone Boulevard, Arrow Point Drive at Whitestone Boulevard, Discovery Boulevard at Whitestone Boulevard, Lakeline Boulevard at Whitestone Boulevard and Kenai Drive at Parmer Lane. Nine statements of qualifications for the project were received on Feb. 10, and city staff recommended an agreement with Alliance Transportation Group Inc. after it scored highest on the city’s grading criteria. City Council approved an agreement with Alliance at the March 12 meeting.

Timeline: TBD

Cost: $190,000

Funding source: general obligation bonds (2015 bond program)