Central Texas Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or SPCA, is looking for community members to donate to its $1.5 million capital campaign for a new Leander facility to house the nonprofit, no-kill animal shelter.

The capital campaign launched Dec. 1 with about $825,000 in previous donations. Since then, the campaign has reached $1.06 million in donations as of Jan. 4.

The process for the new facility began in 2015 after the current shelter became more and more difficult to maintain, said Jeanette Cacciola, the CTSPCA vice president and volunteer of over 20 years.

The existing shelter on Bagdad Road was built in 1996 from three donated, preowned manufactured homes. They are held together with “duct tape and good karma,” Cacciola said.

The new facility will be a safer, cleaner, well-ventilated space for animals and visitors, Cacciola said. The project will also add a fire-suppression system, which is an upgrade from existing smoke alarms.

“It will not be considerably larger because one of the things that is unique about us is that we provide more one-on-one care for the animals and much more of a homelike environment for the animals than in typical in shelters,” she said.

The new facility will have private dog “suites” instead of the current size-appropriate crates. Each suite will connect to a large partially covered area with grass. Cats will have large spaces for climbing and visiting, each with a window.

The goal is to break ground no later than early 2023, Cacciola said. This is based on the current facility’s age and the cost to upkeep the facility that will be demolished once the new shelter opens. An opening timeline varies because of supply chain issues and staffing shortages.

Community members who wish to donate can donate online. CTSPCA also has a list of in-kind donation requests such as computers, lockers, and commercial washers and dryers.

In addition, the shelter has ongoing needs for people to foster dogs and cats and for volunteers.

“There’s never a time when we don’t need that kind of support as well,” Cacciola said.

Central Texas SPCA is located at 909 S. Bagdad Road, Leander. More information about the campaign and donation links can be found at www.buildctspca.org. Information about the nonprofit shelter can be found at www.centraltexasspca.org.