Residents of the Gann Ranch neighborhood have access to many local parks, including Gann Ranch Park, Veterans Memorial Park and Cedar Bark Park. The neighborhood clubhouse also includes a pool and a sand volleyball court.
Median home value: $475,000
Homes on the market*: 5
Homes under contract*: 3
Median annual property taxes: $10,254
Median price per square foot: $195.99
Average days on the market: 57
Build-out year: 2014
Builders include: American Legend Homes, Buffington Homes, D.R. Horton, Eaglewood Homes, Lloyd Wayne Homes, various smaller builders
Square footage: 1,160-3,690
Home values: $309,000-$565,000
HOA dues (estimated): $30 per month
Schools: Leander ISD’s Knowles Elementary, Running Brushy Middle, Leander High schools
Property taxes (in dollars):
- Austin Community College: 0.0987
- City of Cedar Park: 0.39
- Leander ISD: 1.2746
- Upper Brushy Creek Water Control and Improvement District: 0.0175
- Williamson County: 0.338116
- Williamson County Farm-to-Market/Road District: 0.037492
- Total (per $100 valuation): 2.156408
Neighborhood data provided by Jim Mayo, Coldwell Banker Realty. 630-479-9107.