Once built out, Bar W Ranch will have about 1,400 homes. Residents of the Bar W Ranch neighborhood have access to hike and bike trails within the development as well as a park. A community pool is under construction.
Median home value: $558,000
Homes on the market*: 77
Homes under contract*: 41
Median annual property taxes: $15,568
Median prices per square foot: $234
Average days on the market*: 44
Build-out year: 2020-present
Builders include: Brohn Homes, D.R. Horton, Gehan Homes, Tri Pointe Homes
Square footage: 1,600-4,200
Home values: $380,000-$1 million
HOA dues (estimated): $125 per quarter
Schools: Liberty Hill ISD’s Rancho Sienna Elementary, Liberty Hill Middle and Liberty Hill High schools
Property taxes (in dollars):
Leander Municipal Utility District No. 1: 1
Liberty Hill ISD: 1.3446
Williamson County: 0.33812
Williamson County Emergency Services District No. 4: 0.06705
Williamson County Farm-to-Market/Road District: 0.03749
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.78726
*as of Jan. 26