Median home value: $409,500
Number of homes on the market: 2*
Number of homes under contract: 3*
Median annual property taxes (not including any exemptions): $10,032**
Median price per square foot: $182.76
Average days on market: 6*as of Nov. 18**does not include exemptions
Build-out year: 2004
Builders include: Pulte and Wilshire Homes
Square footage: 1,200-3,400
Home values: $285,000-$475,000
HOA Dues: $29 monthly
Schools (and district): Leander ISD—Knowles Elementary School, Running Brushy Middle School and Leander High School
Property taxes (in dollars, includes each taxing entity and the total): [See attachment]
Amenities: The Cedar Park neighborhood has several shared community amenities. community pool, park, basketball court, pavilion, playground, proximity to Highway 183, proximity to RM 1431
Neighborhood data provided by Shanan Shepherd
Thrive Realty