Forest Oaks, 78613
Forest Oaks is an established neighborhood in the heart of Cedar Park. It is located between US 183 and Parmer Lane near Cypress Creek Road. The home styles are diverse with several different builders making up the community.Median home value: $409,000
Homes on the market*: 1
Homes under contract: 11
Median annual property taxes: $10,020
Median price per square foot: $177.91
Average days on the market*: 10
Build-out year: in progress
Builders include: Meritage Homes, Ryland Homes, DR Horton and others
Square footage: 1,344-4,708
Home values: $275,000-$685,000
HOA dues (estimated): $420 annually
Schools: Leander ISD: Charlotte Cox Elementary School, Henry Middle School, Vista Ridge High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
- Austin Community College 0.1058
- City of Cedar Park 0.44698
- Leander ISD 1.4184
- Upper Brushy Creek WCID 0.02
- Williamson County 0.41872
- Williamson County FM/RD 0.04
- The Forest Oaks neighborhood includes access to the Brushy Creek Trail system.
- Junior-olympic sized pool
- Second pool with beach entry and slides
- Hike and bike trails including the 2.5-mile greenbelt trail through the center of the community
- Three playscapes
- Basketball court
- Community center with conference rooms and kitchen