Leander City Council accepted the capital improvement program—a list of projects receiving funding under the fiscal year 2022-23 budget—at its Oct. 10 meeting.

The more than $132 million CIP includes $10.8 million for transportation projects.

FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 account for the short-range portion of the CIP, while FY 2024-25 and beyond is the long-range portion.

Budgeted transportation projects in Year 1 include:

  • improvements for South Street and West Drive, $7.2 million;

  • Raider Way and East Woodview Drive roadway improvements, $1.5 million;

  • San Gabriel Parkway Phase 3, $1 million;

  • San Gabriel Parkway right turn on US 183, $700,000; and

  • Yaupon Grove Lane extension, $394,625.

Projects for Year 2 include:

  • San Gabriel Parkway Phase 2, $1 million;

  • Raider Way and East Woodview Drive roadway improvements, $602,635; and

  • Bagdad Road and Collaborative Way traffic signals and improvements, $600,000.

Upcoming projects that were funded by previous years’ CIPs include Hero Way improvements, Heritage Grove improvements, a US 183 corridor study, and traffic signals at Hero Way and West Ronald Reagan Boulevard as well as Sonny Drive and Bagdad Road.

Transportation projects under the short-range capital improvement plan—which includes projects for years 1 and 2 as well as projects funded from previous budgets—totals to $44.2 million.

Long-range projects include the Bagdad Road corridor study, the Crystal Falls Parkway East extension to CR 175 and Bagdad Road improvements from Collaborative Way to County Road 281, all totaling $25.7 million.

In addition to transportation projects, the CIP includes $92.8 million for water projects, $19.7 million for wastewater projects, $8.7 million for parks and recreation projects, and $700,000 for municipal facilities.