Starting Aug. 12, the 2021-22 school year will have 26 early-release Wednesdays for Leander ISD students.

The board of trustees approved this calendar Jan. 28 in a 5-2 vote.

Three calendar options were considered in the calendar process: a standard calendar, a standard calendar with early-release days and a standard calendar with two additional student-staff days off. Community responses narrowed the choices to either add early-release days or two more days off. Among staff and community responses, the early-release day option received more votes, particularly among staff voters.

LISD began its early-release days in November to give teachers dedicated planning times. Chief Academic Officer Matt Bentz said continuing early releases will give teachers time for planning and collaboration and allow teachers time for professional learning and required Texas Education Agency trainings. By allowing for professional development time during the work day, fewer substitutes would be needed to replace teachers.

Board member Elexis Grimes said Fridays would be a more suitable day and that early releases on every Friday would create consistency in finding permanent child care solutions. But Fridays were a concern to other board members and administration because it could lead to more families taking three-day weekends or four-day weekends when there is no school Monday. LISD officials also said teachers could begin implementing their professional development skills learned Wednesdays on Thursdays.

Here are several important calendar dates to know:

  • Aug. 12: First day of school

  • Sept. 6: Labor Day; no school

  • Oct. 11: Columbus Day; no school

  • Oct. 12: Staff development; no school

  • Nov. 2: Staff development; no school

  • Nov. 22-26: Thanksgiving break

  • Dec. 20-31: Winter break

  • Jan. 3, 2022: Staff development; no school

  • Jan. 17, 2022: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; no school

  • Feb. 21, 2022: Staff development; no school

  • March 14-18, 2022: Spring break

  • March 21, 2022: Staff development; no school

  • April 15, 2022: Good Friday; no school

  • April 18, 2022: Bad-weather day

  • May 26, 2022: Last day of school