Updated Aug. 5

Leander City Council gave final zoning approval Aug. 5 for an assisted-living facility on San Gabriel Parkway in a 6-1 vote. The development, called the Haven at San Gabriel, will feature 50 assisted-living units and 20 memory-care units.

Original post July 16

A new assisted-living facility could be built in Leander on San Gabriel Parkway—just south of Glenn High School—pending zoning approval.

Leander City Council approved the Haven at San Gabriel planned development's first zoning reading in a 6-1 vote. Council Member Jason Shaw voted against the zoning change and said there are better places in the city for the development. The second reading for approval is scheduled for Aug. 5.

Haven at San Gabriel would be a single-story assisted-living facility with 50 assisted-living units and 20 memory care units, said Will Davies, who represented the applicant and is the president of Leander-based DFD Architects Inc.

“There’s a real need in this community for the ability to take care of our seniors as the community has grown,” Davies said. “We think this would fit well in the community right by the high school. It’s low-traffic, low-impact.”

Three residents spoke against the change of zoning on the property at the council meeting.

If given final approval, the zoning would change to a planned unit development with local commercial zoning. The land is currently zoned for single-family homes and local commercial. Planning and zoning commissioners unanimously approved the request July 8.

Council Member Chris Czernek said this is likely the lowest-impact use for that land because there is not a lot of in-and-out traffic. Council Member Kathryn Pantalion-Parker said the city needs to fit within the guidelines of what is allowable and make the best decisions that council can.

“We do have to respect the landowners and their rights to build. ... It checks all the boxes. This is not an extreme. They’re not asking for apartments,” Pantalion-Parker said. “This is a very low-impact project on the community.”