Agape Women’s Clinic, a new women’s health care center, opened in Cedar Park in early January.

How it works

The clinic aims to provide free, non-judgmental and confidential health care services for women, including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and STI testing, executive director Jo Markham said in an email.

Additional services offered at the clinic include:
  • pregnancy education
  • options counseling
  • nurse consultations
  • abortion pill reversal process services
  • new baby items
  • prenatal vitamins
  • parenting classes and Bible studies for men and women
  • men's program
  • post-abortion healing class
Also of note

The clinic provides free licensed professional counseling services and community referrals for housing, medical care, adoption services, food and counseling. Assistance is available for families until the child’s second birthday.

Agape Women’s Clinic celebrated the 20th anniversary of its Round Rock clinic in 2024.