The Williamson County Commissioners Court voted to call an almost $900 million bond election for county roads and parks at an Aug. 8 meeting.

What you need to know

Two bond propositions will be on the ballot for Williamson County voters in November:
  • Proposition A: $825 million road bond
  • Proposition B: $59 million parks and recreation bond
The $825 million road bond would go toward constructing, acquiring, maintaining, expanding and improving 38 road, bridge and state highway projects across the county. Click here for a full list of projects.

The $59 million parks bond includes but is not limited to the following county projects:
  • Trail extension from Cedar Park Lakeline Park to Twin Lakes Park
  • Regional Park trail extension southward toward Brushy Creek Regional Trail
  • Trail extension from Berry Springs Park and Preserve north and westward towards Georgetown Westside Park along Berry Creek
  • Trail extension south and eastward along Brushy Creek near Sam Bass Road
  • Williamson County Expo Center improvements, including cover on west arena with restrooms and showers
The bond election will take place Nov. 7 with early voting running from Oct. 23 to Nov. 1.

How we got here

The court’s decision comes weeks after the Williamson County Citizens Bond Committee recommended an almost $1.8 billion roads and parks bond election to accommodate the county’s growth.

Williamson County's population grew by 10% from 2020 to 2022, according to the U.S. census.

“I don't think anybody argues the need,” Precinct 3 Commissioner Valerie Covey said at a June 27 meeting. “The hard part is prioritizing what we need to do because we don't have an infinite amount of money at any one time, and the costs have gone up so much."

In the county's most recent 2019 bond election, voters approved a $412 million road bond and $35 million parks bond. The court later issued $150 million in short-term debt in March to finish road projects from the 2019 bond.

While the court has historically issued bond elections every six years, the commissioners expressed support for calling a bond election in 2023 to address the county's growing needs.

“I believe that we're behind,” County Judge Bill Gravell said June 27. “I believe two things that have occurred: The cost of construction has escalated, but the needs have escalated exponentially as well.”