Voters in Leander ISD may cast their ballot for three seats on the district’s board of trustees in the Nov. 5 election. Early voting will take place from Oct. 21-Nov.1.

Incumbent Sade Fashokun will face Gerald Prater for Place 5.

Candidates were asked to answer the questions provided in 50 words or fewer and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

*indicates incumbent

Sade Fashokun*

Experience: small business owner of an insurance agency. Lifelong learner and longtime volunteer in the district.

Why are you running for this position?

I want to continue applying my knowledge and experience to improve academic access and outcomes for every student, make the district a more attractive place to work, and ensure operational and fiscal efficiency across programs. I am committed to working toward a stronger, more effective school district for our community.

What are your major areas of concern for the district?

Ensuring academic access and success for all students in a variety of programs. Collaborating with families to keep every student engaged, challenged, and thriving. Attracting and retaining certified, experienced teachers with increased pay, opportunities, and managed workloads. Managing reduced resources while student needs grow and remaining compliant with unfunded/underfunded mandates.

If elected, what is your number one priority to address?

Use data, audits, and community input to optimize the system to benefit all students and educators. Engage the community to advocate for adequately funded public schools. Proper funding is a foundation for retaining educators, enhancing student services, keeping schools safe, and improving program quality and academic outcomes for every student.

What changes would you like to see addressed at the state level regarding public education?

Address recommendations in the governor’s Teacher Vacancy Task Force report, increase the special education allotment (unchanged for over 30 years), raise the basic allotment per student (unchanged for 5 years), fund based on student enrollment not attendance, fully fund all mandates, and reject vouchers which divert public funds from public education.

Gerald Prater

Experience: retired U.S. Air Force, former Corporate Internal Audit Manager, MBA, 17-year active LISD volunteer

Why are you running for this position?

I’m a citizen and parent who is concerned that district leadership is violating the constitutional rights of parents and failing to focus on academic excellence. They have adopted a globalist agenda and when we expressed concerns. They’ve attacked and attempted to silence us (a violation of the First Amendment).

What are your major areas of concern for the district?

I’m concerned with the board’s demonstrated complete disregard for parental concerns and desires to protect their children. Also with the loss of focus on academic excellence and fiscal responsibility when spending taxpayer dollars for programs and things that people don’t want.

If elected, what is your number one priority to address?

I’ll remind the elected members that we’re there to serve and to defend the rights of ALL of the people. I’ll work to eliminate the current atmosphere of hatred and hostility against others simply because they have different opinions, which is ironically the opposite of DEI.

What changes would you like to see addressed at the state level regarding public education?

Acknowledge and eliminate corruption. Make public education about educating our kids again and not about pushing globalist (socialist) agendas that are designed to manipulate and control our kids. Follow the money and eliminate the influences of organizations that are NOT for We the People. We need to clean house.