Editor's note: This article has been updated to include kickoff times for Leander ISD high school football games on Sept. 7-8.

Leander ISD officials have modified recess activities and pushed back start times for sporting events as temperatures above 100 degrees continue into September.

On Sept. 7-8, kickoff for high school football games at Bible and Gupton Stadiums will be delayed until 7:30 p.m with gates opening at 6:30 p.m., according to the district's website.

The gist

As temperatures climb to 100 degrees and beyond, elementary school teachers and administrators are encouraged to reduce time spent outside, move activities indoors, enforce mandatory hydration and rest periods, and closely monitor students for signs of heat-related illness during recess, according to the district’s Hot Weather Guidelines.

The following standards have guided how campuses conduct recess and other outdoor activities during extreme heat since 2020, LISD Chief Communications Officer Crestina Hardie said. Campus principals have final discretion over how these decisions are made, according to the document.

The conditions
  • Below 80 degrees: No limitations with hydration as needed.
  • 80-95 degrees: Less vigorous activity with rest periods. Encourage hydration.
  • 95-99 degrees: Reduced vigorous activity and increased light activity or rest. Enforce hydration. Watch for signs of sunstroke, heat cramps and heat exhaustion.
  • 100-105 degrees: Reduce time of outdoor activity and indoor activity if air conditioning is not available. Strongly consider moving all activity indoors. Mandatory hydration every 30 minutes with 10-minute rest periods between. Monitor closely for signs of heat related illness.
  • Above 105 degrees: Stop all outside activity/play and inside activity if air conditioning is available indoors.
What they’re saying

“Please ensure your child has a water bottle to keep hydrated throughout the day," Hardie said. "Students should also dress appropriately, wearing light-colored, light-weight clothing."

Also of note

Record-breaking heat has caused the district to delay start times for sports games. The district will push back start times to 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 7-8 for the following football games at Bible and Gupton Stadiums. Kickoff times were also delayed on Aug, 25.

Sept. 7
  • Glenn High School versus Rouse High School at Bible Stadium
  • Cedar Park High School versus Round Rock High School at Gupton Stadium
Sept. 8
  • Leander High School versus Del Rio High School at Bible Stadium
  • Vista Ridge High Stadium versus Clemens High School at Gupton Stadium
“We will continue to monitor the heat and weather and adjust start times when needed,” Hardie said.

District heat guidelines are also available for athletics and fine arts departments.