Looking ahead
Texas will hold Republican and Democratic primaries March 5 to determine who will be on the ballot in November.
Community Impact reached out to the 2024 candidates for the Bastrop Precinct 2 justice of the peace. Below are their responses. Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity
Karen Thompson
Compassion, critical thinking, quick and reasonable decision-making in a crisis.
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Why are you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I am qualified for justice of the peace due to my extensive nursing experience, particularly in the ER, and my management roles in large apartment communities, demonstrating leadership and public service expertise.
As the county grows, what do you believe is the greatest challenge facing the office of justice of the peace?
As the county grows, the greatest challenge facing the office of Justice of the Peace is ensuring equitable access to justice and legal services for an expanding population while upholding the values of fairness, impartiality, and community representation. Balancing caseloads and resources will be crucial in meeting this challenge.
What would be your top priorities as justice of the peace?
My top priorities as justice of the peace would include ensuring access to justice for all, promoting community engagement and education on legal matters, implementing efficient case management systems, and upholding the principles of fairness, impartiality, and public trust in the judicial process.
Charitty Alexander
Office manager/owner, dispute resolution experience, knowledge of property code, the right personality and calm demeanor
Real estate broker—owner of One Stop Leasing and Property Management
Candidate Website:
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Why are you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I have been in a position that has allotted me the experience of dispute resolution and compromising between many different parties. This is one of the biggest responsibilities of a justice of the peace through small claims court and landlord-tenant dispute resolutions.
As the county grows, what do you believe is the greatest challenge facing the office of justice of the peace?
Growth brings the additional challenge of potentially more misdemeanor cases, traffic violations, and additional housing disputes with the addition of new homes and new investors in the landlord world.
What would be your top priorities as justice of the peace?
Maintaining an office that functions with efficiency and remains the people's court. For fuller answers, check my FB page—it's hard to answer a question completely in less than 50 words.
Ty McDonald
Lead pastor, BOLD Church, Bastrop, former teacher, Bastrop ISD, Bastrop ISD school board trustee and ...
Lead pastor
Why are you the most qualified candidate for this position?
The body of my life's work testifies to the fact that I am an advocate who is compassionate, fair and balanced in my approach to building and managing people. I am both a great listener and decisive. While I am adept in making decisions based on data, I am also very intuitive. Finally, I have a serious passion for making the world a better place.
As the county grows, what do you believe is the greatest challenge facing the office of justice of the peace?
Managing resources well while keeping people first.
What would be your top priorities as justice of the peace?
Fairness, equity and transparency. To love mercy and do justice.
Zachary Carter
Experience on the bench, law enforcement background, criminal justice educated
Candidate Website:
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Why are you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I served Bastrop County for 16 years with the sheriff’s office, in corrections and law enforcement. During which, I worked closely with several judges and gained knowledge and experience to perform the duties of this office. My appointment was recommended, and I was unanimously appointed by Commissioner’s Court.
As the county grows, what do you believe is the greatest challenge facing the office of justice of the peace?
A growing population will undeniably cause an increase in the number of civil hearings, evictions, arrests and unfortunately inquests. All of which have strict time constraints. Experience and a good rapport with other courts and agencies in Bastrop County are vital to accomplish duties as required.
What would be your top priorities as justice of the peace?
Increasing cooperation with law enforcement to promote public safety. Technology to assist officers with traffic enforcement and help reduce accidents. Creating practices that help victims of violence and reduce risk to the community. Providing resources to the community for justice court.
Christina Ervin-Cannon
Licensed for ten years in ethics, civil and criminal codes, with experience in local government.
Business owner
Candidate Website:
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Why are you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I have twenty years of diverse professional credentials that cover nearly every aspect of this office. Being licensed with the state of Texas in civil and criminal codes for the past decade allowed me to work daily with our statutes, multiple levels of our court system, sheriff's office, and residents.
As the county grows, what do you believe is the greatest challenge facing the office of justice of the peace?
There will be more people to serve which comes more caseloads, car accidents, disputes, arrests, probable cause affidavits, and inquests. You need someone with the knowledge and background to handle these duties and this office. I have the experience and passion to serve our community and local officials.
What would be your top priorities as justice of the peace?
I’m committed to upholding the law, serving the people, and bringing value to our community as an impartial, discerning leader. My priority will always be managing my docket caseload, inquests, and magistrate duties in a timely manner to ensure justice is administered swiftly and dockets are never behind.