Bastrop residents may soon have more flexible transportation options as City Council explores an expansion with Capital Area Rural Transporation System and Uber.

In a nutshell

According to city documents, officials are considering expansions to give residents more options, including Wheelchair Accessible Vans and rides outside of normal CARTS hours of Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

What’s happening

At a meeting on Feb. 25, Bastrop City Manager Sylvia Carrillo-Trevino provided an update to council members, during which she said she is working with CARTS to look at a proof of concept that will still require an Uber rideshare.

“Norma Mercado informed me that [Bastrop County Cares] has a grant, so we may be able to co-share a pilot program with the Uber ride share and we'll continue working with [CARTS],” she said.

Carrillo-Trevino added that CARTS already has a planned expansion and that could lead to sharing the city’s right of way, which would allow CARTS to increase their electric vehicle options.

What it means

If the ridesharing program is approved, the city could enter into an agreement with Uber, called Uber for Business, to implement a voucher program for residents. This would allow officials to determine the number of rides that are subsidized through the program, according to city documents.

Stay tuned

Carrillo-Trevino said she will continue working with CARTS and Uber to develop a pilot program and its potential budgetary impacts.