Plans for a potential sports complex have halted after Bastrop officials learned it would not serve as the economic driver they hoped for.

What happened

On Jan. 28, Hunden Partners, the real estate consulting firm behind the feasibility study, presented its findings at a joint meeting of Bastrop City Council and the Bastrop Economic Development Corporation.

Some context

The city commissioned the $60,000 feasibility study in August to explore the potential for a regional sports complex within Bastrop Industrial Park.

Officials hoped it would attract a regional sports tourism crowd, and boost Hotel Occupancy Tax funds and sales tax revenue; however, the study showed that neighboring municipalities are already pursuing similar projects and are further along.

Notable quote

“I’m not surprised and honestly, I’d rather spend this money on a recreation center,” said Cheryl Lee, City Council and EDC board member. “We’ve explored [the sports complex], we see that it’s not going to work out, and the demand right now is the recreation center and we need to focus on that.”