Bastrop City Council will appoint a new mayor pro tem at its meeting on May 14.

The specifics

Following the annual election, council will select one member to be the new mayor pro tem. Once appointed, the mayor pro tem will hold the office for one year. The mayor pro tem presides over any meetings in which the mayor is absent.

Also of note

Newly elected in the May 4 race, Kerry Fossler will be sworn in at the meeting. Fossler will replace Jimmy Crouch as the Place 4 council member.

Council member Cynthia Meyer will also begin her renewed term as Place 2 council member at the May 14 meeting.

On the agenda

A public hearing on the Bastrop Gateway project rezoning request will be held at the meeting on May 14. Concerned with the location of the development as well as its traffic and wildlife impact, many residents have spoken in opposition of the project at previous city meetings.

The planning and zoning commission voted to offer a recommendation of denial for the request at its meeting on May 9, awaiting further traffic and tree study results.

What else?

A public hearing on the rezoning of a 6-acre section of the Valverde development along FM 969 near Hwy. 71 will also be held during the meeting on May 14.