Cecilia Serna and Perry Lowe are running in the race for Bastrop City Council Place 1 seat in the May 3 general election. Current Place 1 Councilmember Cheryl Lee will be running for Place 5 on the city council in the May election.

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Community Impact reached out to the two candidates who will be on the ballot for the seat.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided, and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines or for style and clarity.

More information on the Bastrop May 3 election can be found on the city's website.

Perry Lowe

Experience: Lifelong Bastrop resident Austin 311 Command Center Lead Austin City Manager’s Office Broadcast radio Musician

Occupation: Retail Reset Merchandiser

Contact Information: 512-766-7320

What are your top 3 priorities that you would like to achieve if elected?

Priorities I would like to achieve if elected are restoring harmony and public trust in the council, finding smart and collaborative solutions to address rapid growth and development concerns. Housing affordability is always on the list, the answer will take the community, council and staff to solve.

How do you handle differing opinions within the community?

First off, by understanding that opinions will differ and secondly address the differences by weighing the honest pros and cons of the issue and topic being discussed. This way a solid solution can be found through collaboration and understanding.

How do you approach collaboration with the other council members and city stakeholders?

I'd foster collaboration through personal connections, finding shared goals, and open communication. I'd bridge divides by facilitating consensus and by being transparent and accessible to the public.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision-making process?

Advocate for community meetings or town halls to address concerns that are complicated in nature. I'll use my website for transparency, updates, surveys, and polls to gauge public opinion before major decisions. Most importantly, prompt phone responses and direct engagement.

Cecilia Serna

Experience: Vendor management, developed projects, optimized workflows, high accountability and rapid response, trainer, educator

Occupation: Retired

Contact Information: 512-596-9984

What are your top 3 priorities that you would like to achieve if elected?

1. Identify top 5 residents & local businesses concerns within the City’s control, otherwise reach out to the entity(s) responsible. 2. Make smart, thought out decisions steering growth and development towards appropriate places, control sprawl, increase affordability being mindful not to overburden city infrastructure. 3. Identify under-represented populations to encourage cohesiveness & belonging.

How do you handle differing priorities within the community?

Identify greatest impact for Bastrop residents first, then local business then Bastrop county. I adamantly believe by putting people first, smart, common sense decisions for the very best of our city will follow. Establish commonality between citizens and businesses, review pros and cons then encourage amenable compromise for all stakeholders.

How do you approach collaboration with the other council members and city stakeholders? t

Exactly that. Collaborate among each other to understand each person’s point of view. People are not mind readers. Civil, direct and honest communication is key.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision-making process?

Being fiscally responsible. Establish mass texting and emailing. Use the communication board by the iron bridge announcing upcoming events in Bastrop. In addition to city’s Facebook page, expand to other social media outlets, to reach as many citizens in as many demographics as possible. PSAs.