Current Place 1 council member Cheryl Lee and Place 5 Incumbent John Kirkland are running in the race for Bastrop City Council Place 5 seat in the May 3 general election.

The details

Community Impact reached out to the two candidates who will be on the ballot for the seat.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines or for style and clarity.

More information on the Bastrop May 3 election can be found on the city's website.

John Kirkland

Experience: Acting Mayor Pro Tem, council member, [Bastrop Economic Development Corporation] board member, expert data analyst

Occupation: Principal Engineer, 30 years

Contact Information: 512-784-4468

What are your top three priorities if elected?

Preserve Bastrop’s historic character, ensuring its identity and charm for future generations. Protect Bastrop’s best City Manager in decades, maintaining strong, trusted leadership that is driving Bastrop’s current success. Advance retail growth with grocery stores, hotels, recreation and restaurants, attracting businesses that strengthen our economy, and quality of life.

How do you handle differing priorities within the community?

I listen first, asking questions to understand the why behind concerns. I seek common ground where all parties achieve what they truly need. I ultimately prioritize fiscal discipline, preventing government overreach and ensuring excellent customer service while making decisions that align with Bastrop’s long-term success.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision-making process?

I seek out input from residents and stakeholders directly, whether at community events or in personal conversations. I don’t just wait for people to come to meetings—I go to them. When people ask questions, I answer as completely as possible, ensuring they understand the reasoning behind decisions.

How do you approach collaboration with other council members and city stakeholders?

I approach collaboration by focusing on results. I work with others to find practical solutions that serve Bastrop residents, even when we don’t fully agree. Our City Manager, Sylvia, provides strong, stable leadership, and I am committed to ensuring she has the support needed to keep Bastrop moving forward.

Based on your experience as a council member, what lessons have you learned that you plan to implement if reelected?

Infrastructure is costly, and small cities must be creative to fund major projects. Fiscal discipline means setting priorities, and creative problem-solving means securing outside funding from developers or the state. The right opportunities make big projects possible, and I’ll keep working to expand Bastrop responsibly without overburdening taxpayers.

Cheryl Lee

Experience: Master’s: Business Administration, current council member, certified Municipal Officer, [Planning and Zoning] Commissioner

Occupation: Data Analyst (AT&T)

Contact Information: 512 636-0374

What are your top three priorities that you would like to achieve if elected?

I am committed to managing growth through responsible planning for hard infrastructure such as roads and utilities, and soft infrastructure like education and public services. Additionally, I will focus on strategies to increase income-based housing to ensure our community thrives with sustainable development for all residents.

How do you handle differing priorities within the community?

I handle different priorities by listening closely to all community voices and seeking common ground among diverse views. I balance interests through transparent dialogue, compromise and informed decision-making that upholds fairness and equity. I ensure all valid concerns are addressed with respect and accountability.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision-making process?

I have actively and consistently involved residents in the decision-making process through open, transparent governance, open communication, by attending community forums, and internalizing input from community surveys. I value every voice, and direct feedback empowers me to shape policies that reflect the priorities of our residents.

How do you approach collaboration with the other council members and city stakeholders?

I approach working with other council members and stakeholders by emphasizing open dialogue and mutual respect. I take the time to listen to their concerns and identify areas of common ground in an effort to ensure we are working together towards solutions that serve our entire community’s best interest.

Based on your experience as a council member so far, what lessons have you learned that you plan to implement if reelected?

Collaboration between the council and city leadership is vital to ensuring that the overall ability of the council to address city business is not inhibited. I would like to enhance communication resources to ensure that city business is communicated to the council and the public more efficiently and effectively.