The state’s 85th Legislature convenes officially for the first time Tuesday.

Sherri Greenberg, fellow of the Max Sherman Chair in State and Local Government at The University of Texas, helps break down everything you need to know to start the 2017 legislative session as well as a refresher on issues from two years ago—the last time state lawmakers met.

By the numbers
25 freshman lawmakers to be sworn into office
20 Republican senators (same as last session)
95 Republican House reps (-4 from last session)

Big contests
Republicans versus Democrats
House versus Senate
Traditionalists/moderates versus far right
Local control versus preemptive action
Rural versus urban

Topics of debate
State budget
Voter ID laws
School finance
School vouchers
School choice
Foster care
“Bathroom bill”

Issues that could be resurrected
Statewide texting ban
State-mandated college tuition rates
Property tax reform
Medicaid reform
Plastic bag bans
Ride-hailing regulations
Fracking restrictions