What's on my ballot?

Dates to know

Last day to register to vote:

Oct 7

First day of early voting:

Oct 21

Last day of early voting:

Nov 1

Election day:

Nov 5

How to register to vote

To be eligible to vote in Texas, you must:

  • be a United States citizen;
  • be a resident of the county where you submit the application;
  • be 18 years of age on election day;
  • not be a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation and parole); and
  • have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.

For more information, including ways to register or to confirm if you are already registered, click here.

Source: www.votetexas.gov/register/index.html

What to take with you to the polls

The following is a list of photo ID options voters can use at the polls in Texas:

  • Texas driver’s license;
  • Texas Election Identification Certificate;
  • Texas personal identification card;
  • Texas handgun license issued by DPS;
  • United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph;
  • United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph; or
  • United States passport (book or card).

Source: https://www.votetexas.gov/register-to-vote/need-id.html