Among the community groups, businesses and other organizations that have weighed in on the topic of incorporation in The Woodlands, an organization formed to honor the community's founder issued a statement Oct. 1. George's Coffee Club, named for The Woodlands founder George Mitchell, stated in a news release it is backing a "no" vote on propositions A and B in the Nov. 2 election, which ask voters whether The Woodlands should incorporate into a city.

"As a matter of documented policy, the Club, whose membership is comprised of 64 members many of whom worked with Mr. Mitchell from the very beginning of The Woodlands ... does not take public positions on political matters. ... However, in this unique situation the vast majority of club members feel so strongly that there simply are too many unanswered questions at this point in time to support incorporation now," the group stated in the news release.

The nonprofit group noted it is breaking from tradition by endorsing a position in the upcoming Nov. 2 election, as on its website it states it does not engage in political elections or campaigns. According to its mission statement, the group aims to communicate the founder's mission for the community.

Club President Bruce Tough, a former chair of The Woodlands board of directors, said the group considered several factors in reaching the decision.

“Given that this decision will literally impact every resident, business, visitor, church, school, park and physical infrastructure component of The Woodlands, the stakes are far too high to incorporate prematurely, particularly with no compelling triggers to do it now,” Tough said.

Community information forums have been held by The Woodlands Township and other groups such as The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce in the weeks leading up to the election. The chamber has also taken a position against incorporation.