Carl Wunsche Sr. High School’s veterinary sciences program is partnering with local veterinarian Lori Seelhoff to offer low-cost preventive care, vaccines and physical exams for pets in the Spring community.

The first Wunsche Wellness Clinic of the 2021-22 school year will run Aug. 21 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at the campus's pet clinic, located at 900 Wunsche Loop, Spring.

According to Veterinary Science Teacher Jessica Graham, the Saturday clinic will go beyond what is regularly offered at the weekday Wunsche Pet Clinic.

“The main difference between the Wunsche Wellness Clinic and the Wunsche Pet Clinic is that the Wellness Clinic provides clients with the opportunity to get their pets all of their vaccinations and monthly heartworm, flea and tick treatments as well as preventive diagnostic tests, all at a low cost,” Graham said. “We will be offering these services at cost in hopes that we will be able to impact our community and district in a huge way.”

In addition to offering an affordable option for area residents looking for basic veterinary services, Graham said the clinic will also serve as a training ground for students to sharpen their skills and gain insight into their future career choices.

“My students look forward to these kinds of events because they get to practice and implement all of the knowledge and skills that they’ve been learning in class and in the Wunsche Pet Clinic and apply those in a real-world setting,” Graham said. “They all work so hard and have such a passion for their career of choice, and it’s amazing to get to watch them begin their journey in this field.”

Graham noted the school is hoping to turn the Wunsche Wellness Clinic into a regular monthly event if the response from the community remains strong.

Visits to the Aug. 21 Wunsche Wellness Clinic are by appointment only. Those interested in registering for the clinic can do so online by clicking here. For more information, email [email protected] or call 281-891-6660.