Pearland residents who violate new mandatory water restrictions could be subjected to a fine of up to $2,000.

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On Aug. 30, Pearland officials initiated Stage 2 of the city’s Drought Contingency Plan in response to ongoing challenges caused by insufficient rainfall and extreme temperatures, according to a news release.

The mandate enforces the following restrictions:
  • Outdoor water usage is prohibited between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • Residents can water only two days per week on designated trash collection days.
  • Residents are prohibited from using ornamental fountains or ponds for aesthetic or scenic purposes.
  • Use of water from fire hydrants is limited to firefighting.
Exemptions exist for residents and businesses with newly planted landscaping or sod and sports fields hosting league play, according to the release.


The mandatory water restrictions were given almost three weeks after the city initiated voluntary water restrictions earlier this month.

Cities like Pearland enact water restrictions when the water demand gets too high relative to the city’s water reserves, Director of Utilities David Sohns said before adding that the city has sufficient capacity but officials want to conserve water reserves for essential services like firefighting.

Pearland can initiate Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan if the following conditions were met:
  • The city’s total daily water demand equaled or exceeded 70% of the current available system operating capacity for three consecutive days.
  • The city’s total daily water demand equaled or exceeded 75% of the current available system operating capacity on a single day.
  • Officials felt the initiation of Stage 2 is appropriate based on weather conditions, distribution and water supply system recovery, and/or unforeseen circumstances.
According to the city

Communications Director Josh Lee said the city typically sees an increase in water usage when the weather is hotter and drier.

“We still have all the capabilities of delivery and the same volume of water that we had last month,” Sohns said. “It's just there's more being used because of the drought conditions.”

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In addition to adhering to the mandates, city officials also recommended residents conserve water by double checking for leaks, making sure that sprinklers are tuned and turning the faucet off when shaving or brushing teeth.

Officials also recommended using a car wash rather than washing your car at home because professional car washes often recycle the water.