Three Democrats and three Republicans are competing for votes to win the seat for state representative of District 138, which includes the Katy area. This seat is a position held by Republican Dwayne Bohac, who is not running for re-election. Republican candidates include Josh Flynn, Lacey Hull and Claver T. Kamau-Imani. Democratic candidates include Akilah Bacy, Jenifer Rene Pool and Josh Wallenstein. Only one candidate—Wallenstein—responded to requests for comment.

Josh Flynn (R)

This candidate did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Lacey Hull (R)

This candidate did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Claver T. Kamau-Imani (R)

This candidate did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Akilah Bacy (D)

This candidate did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Jenifer Rene Pool (D)

This candidate did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Josh Wallenstein (D)

Campaign phone: 832-781-4339

Campaign email: [email protected]

Campaign website:

Occupation: compliance and ethics attorney

Top priorities: public education, flood control and affordable healthcare

How many years you’ve lived in District 138: office: 4 years; residence: 1 year

Why are you running for this seat?

I’m running for state representative because we need to make Texas work better by investing in public education, flood control, and better access to health care. As a product of a single mother and public schools, I know that investing in education is the best investment in our future. I also know the devastation that flooding can cause, and will prioritize proven solutions when elected. Finally, I will work hard to expand Medicaid and bring home billions of (currently wasted) health care dollars to both cover our most vulnerable and lower premiums for all of us.

What is the biggest issue facing the district?

While District 138 generally reflects the concerns of the state (i.e., education, flood control and health care), 45% is comprised of “Hispanics”, most of whom either primarily or solely speak Spanish, do not vote, and are disenfranchised. Statistically, we also have higher than average rates of uninsured residents, leading to district-wide health care statistics that are exceptionally poor. As the only candidate (from either party) who speaks fluent Spanish, I can ensure all residents have a voice and will continue to work hard to provide affordable health care to the district.

If elected, what do you hope to accomplish by the end of the term?

We must ensure that all Texas children have access to high quality public schools, no matter where they live. I will significantly increase investment in public education and recalibrate Robin Hood to promote equity in school funding, state-wide.

I will also prioritize Medicaid expansion, both to cover our poorest children and seniors and to reduce our health care premiums. Since we already send the money to Washington, it is both financially absurd and ethically outrageous not to bring it back home.