The West Fork neighborhood is located in the Lake Conroe area and has access to golf courses. There are 277 single-family properties. Data is provided by Better Homes and Gardens Gary Greene.

Median home value: $342,500

Homes on the market*: 4

Homes under contract*: 0

Median annual property taxes: $7,814.82

Median price per square foot: $122.26

Average days on the market*: 53

*As of June 1

Build-out year: 2013

Median square footage: 3,191

HOA dues (estimated): $450 annually

Schools: Giesinger Elementary School, Peet Junior High School, Conroe High School

Property taxes (in dollars): city of Conroe: 0.4375

Montgomery County: 0.4475

Montgomery County Hospital District: 0.0589

Lone Star College: 0.1078

Conroe ISD: 1.2300

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.2817

Year-over-year market data

The number of homes sold in May in six of the eight Conroe and Montgomery area ZIP codes decreased in 2020 compared to 2019. However, the median price from year to year decreased in only three of those ZIP codes. See graphic above for more trends.