After founding a themed retail boutique in New York in 2011, Macy’s Brand Experience Officer Rachel Shechtman has brought her expertise to Southlake.

Market by Macy’s opened Feb. 6 in Southlake Town Square, officially making its national debut. The store was developed in partnership by Shechtman, who said Market by Macy’s was designed to give people an experiential and communal shopping experience.

“The way we talk about this space is [as] a social shopping space that celebrates discovery, community and convenience,” she said.

Market by Macy’s features an assortment of boutique clothing and home decor items, including items previously only seen from shopping online, such as Bombas socks and shirts and APL shoes. Products for both men and women are offered, and a children’s section includes items from clothing brand Rockets of Awesome as well as a foam play area and a light board.

The store also brings to the shopping experience two new brands: an exclusive beauty shop called Getchell’s Apothecary and an in-store cafe called Herald, where people can purchase coffee, wine, beer, breakfast, lunch and snacks.

“We want it to feel like we're hosting people,” Shechtman said. “Like, ‘Welcome to our home,’ but in a way that feels natural and authentic. We are very much a store, but we also want it to be a joyful experience and an inviting experience.”

To that end, the store has included elements, such as couches, neon lighting and other staging elements, to help guide shoppers through each experiential section. One wall of the store is dedicated to a calendar that features community events the store will host and invites others to attend.

When targeting a market for the store, Shechtman said the Macy’s team looked to where it had existing customers, but not a store. These locations give amenities, like Market by Macy’s Happy to Help desk, a place to shine, she said, since customers can place orders or return items without having to drive to a mall.

“It's a way to service our customers but also offer something new,” she said.

Southlake is the first location nationwide to have a Market by Macy’s, but future locations in Washington, D.C., and Atlanta have also been identified.

Each store will have items that represent its location. For instance, Southlake’s store features brands local to Texas, such as Texas Standard clothing items and coffee from Oak Cliff Coffee.

“In a big company like Macy's coming into a community, you want to have authority and authenticity,” Shechtman said.

Market by Macy's

321 State St., Southlake


Hours: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. daily