South Austin residents who face food insecurity can attend two Central Texas Food Bank drive-thru food distribution events over the next two Thursdays, May 21 and 28.

The first event will be held at Del Valle High School in Southeast Austin and the second in the Sunset Valley area at Toney Burger Stadium.

At the events, Central Texas Food Bank is distributing boxes of nonperishable items, frozen foods and produce to residents. To participate, residents must come in a vehicle, and no walk-up service will be given. The food bank is also asking that each household only send one person to the events.

South Austin events will be held at the following locations and times:

May 21: Del Valle High School

5201 Ross Road, Del Valle

1-4 p.m.

May 28: Toney Burger Stadium

3200 Jones Road, Austin

9 a.m.-noon

Attendees for the Toney Burger event should enter at the north side of the facility from the W. Hwy. 290 frontage road between Brodie Lane and West Gate Boulevard.