Bee Cave’s Thoroughfare Plan, a long-term plan to improve connectivity in the city of Bee Cave, now includes a Hamilton Pool Road realignment and extension.

The extension will cost approximately $10.67 million and will likely be completed in the next 3-5 years, City Manager Clint Garza said.

Bee Cave City Council members voted unanimously to add the road to the Thoroughfare Plan during a regular Feb. 28 council meeting.

The extension will realign Hamilton Pool Road beginning near the Bee Cave Acton Academy at 14532 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, and ending at Hwy. 71.

In addition, the project will include a new roundabout just northwest of Bee Cave Acton Academy and two new signalized intersections that will be installed on Hamilton Pool Road. One intersection will be across the road from the Bee Cave Acton Academy, and the other will be near Twin Acres Drive.

The intersection near Twin Acres Drive will connect Hamilton Pool Road with Great Divide Drive and end at Shops Parkway.