The Hays County Food Bank is in the process of relocating to the former Hays Co. Bar-B-Que restaurant, located just off I-35 in San Marcos.

According to Executive Director Lisa Young, the food bank will be finalizing the purchase of the building in May.

The details

Although a move-in timeline is unclear, Young said they plan on transitioning from their current space at 220 Henderson St., "very intentionally and very carefully" to ensure that their services are not interrupted.

Once the purchase is finalized, the food bank will begin making renovations to the existing space including creating a "client choice" model where people can come in with their families and shop for food.

"This is going to, first of all reduce food waste because people will be taking what they want or what they think they're gonna cook and also I think it's just gonna increase the dignity of the experience by a lot," Young said.

The remodel will also include changing some of the doors, adding office space and building a freezer.

Young said the food bank was looking to relocate because their current facility is "inadequate" and "too small."

Program Director Ttory Capes also noted that they do not have a delivery dock and because of that, they have missed out on a couple of donations that could have been beneficial to the food bank and its clients.

Quote of note

Young said they are very excited.

"[We] feel very blessed to have found something that's going to work out so well for us but we've got a lot of work ahead of us to make it usable," she said.