Community Impact reached out to the two candidates to get their perspectives on what priorities they would bring to the job.
What you need to know
Precinct 3 covers most of New Braunfels around downtown and the I-35 corridor, and stretches to the northern county line along I-35 and southeastern county line of Guadalupe County.
Early voting for the Nov. 5 election begins Oct. 21.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
*indicates incumbent

Kevin Webb*
insurance/securities representative, NBHS/Texas A&M graduate; born and raised in Comal County
county commissioner
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you the best choice for the job?
I have experience, a willingness to compromise and build consensus, and a conservative viewpoint of government. I’ve worked with our elected officials and staff and demonstrated that together we can get things done for our citizens in an efficient, financially responsible manner that serves our people well.
What is the most important issue facing your constituents and how would you address it?
Our challenges result from rapid growth: public safety, infrastructure, workforce retention, rapid development of rural lands, and maintaining who we are as a people and community. We work daily on all these issues and just this year we’ve updated our Facilities Plan, Parks and Open Space Plan and Strategic Plan.
What strategies do you have for improving emergency response services and public safety in the county?
I’m proud of our Sherriff’s Office, District Attorney, and Emergency Service Districts and the support our court has provided them. We will continue to support them through the budget to ensure they can hire and retain the best employees and properly equip them to keep them and our citizens safe.
Are there any specific infrastructure projects you believe are crucial for the county’s development?
We’re working with TxDOT on the intersection of IH-35/Hwy. 46 and Hwy. 46 corridor between Boerne and Seguin; planning updates of the tax and elections offices, JPs 1 and 4, court buildings, and jail; and working with our partners to preserve some of our rural natural areas before they’re lost to development.

Dr. Tanya Marroquin
I care about our environment and the impact it has on our community.
science teacher
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you the best choice for the job?
My passion for protecting my community is evident through my volunteer work and my deep desire to educate myself and others on current issues by researching best practices for development growth.
What is the most important issue facing your constituents and how would you address it?
The rapid growth in Precinct 3 has led to unsafe road conditions and overuse and depletion of our Natural Resources.This will be addressed by ensuring developers have done their due diligence by providing an environmental impact document and using smart environmental practices.
What strategies do you have for improving emergency response services and public safety in the county?
The safety and well being of every resident is important and nobody should have to wait for emergency services. We should work together to benefit the needs of everyone. If the current safety laws no longer meet the needs of the community then it is time rewrite the emergency response services to better fit the community.
Are there any specific infrastructure projects you believe are crucial for the county’s development?
Much of the infrastructure, either currently under development or consideration, is overwhelming the community. These projects, while some may be beautiful, it is too much too fast.