Jeff Martin, Republican
Hometown: Houston 832-746-0001
What would your top priority be, if elected?
We have witnessed the slowest economic recovery in the history of the United States. President Obama will be the only president to leave office without one single year of at least three percent economic growth. Private sector jobs are 3 million below where they should have been with just an average modern postrecession growth. Our workforce participation rate has dropped below 63 percent. As such, my top priority will be to rebuild the economy and create jobs. I’ll do this by securing our Southern border, enforcing existing immigration law, reining in federal regulation, supporting renegotiated trade agreements and repealing/replacing “Obamacare.”
As health care costs continue to rise nationwide, if elected how would you work to ensure your constituents have access to the care and/or medications they need?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) has been a disaster. I will work to repeal and replace it. I will support the implementation of [a] system that provides health care to the least among, and will work to remove the geographical boundaries that have set up insurance monopolies and will cause companies to compete in a free market.What do you think is the greatest challenge facing your district?
There is no one great challenge facing Texas District No. 9. The issues are far and wide and are shared in common with other districts across the state and the nation. Poverty, crime, unemployment, quality health care, racial divisiveness, and drugs pouring into our communities just to name a few. Each of these [are] as important as the next and need immediate attention. I think it’s time to try something different.Al Green[/caption]
Al Green (Democrat, incumbent)
Hometown: Houston 202-225-7508 (Capitol office) 713-383-9234 (Houston office)
What would your top priority be, if elected?
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As health care costs continue to rise nationwide, if elected how would you work to ensure your constituents have access to the care and/or medications they need?
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What do you think is the greatest challenge facing your district?
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