Pete Olson leads Mark Gibson in political donations for the U.S. Representative District 22 race so far this election season, according to the latest round of campaign finance reports due to election officials Oct. 15. Every opposed candidate in the Nov. 8 election must file a contributions and expenditures report 30 days before the election. This latest round of reports, the first mandated disclosure since this summer, covers all financials from July 1 to Sept. 29, according to the Texas Ethics Commission. Here is how much donation money each candidate has earned and spent for the District 22 election during that timeframe: Pete Olson: $190,595 contributions, $172,574 expenditures Mark Gibson: $875 contributions, $149 expenditures In District 22, individuals' donations are not allowed to exceed $2,700 per election. Primaries, runoff and general elections are counted separately. Here’s the top three financial supporters for each campaign since the beginning of their respective campaigns: Peter G. Olson
  1. Macedonio Villarreal, $5,400
  2. Monzer Hourani, $5,400
  3. Laurence E. Simmons, $5,400
Mark Gibson
  1. Adam Berk, $1,000
  2. David Scales, $1,000
  3. Elizabeth Campbell, $500
The next campaign finance report deadline is Oct. 31, or eight days before the election.