The city of Richardson shipped out its annual Blue Bag Letters on March 15 to be delivered to residents sometime this week.

Through the Blue Bag Program, Richardson homeowners are advised to combine all of their recyclable material into one bag and set it outside for weekly pickup. The city has recycling pickup scheduled Monday-Thursday for different areas of the city.

Items that are accepted include glass bottles and containers, corrugated cardboard and boxboard, pots and pans, newspapers and more. A full list of accepted recyclable items can be found below.

Once received, the letters can be taken to one of several city facilities to be redeemed for two rolls of 26 blue recycling bags. There is no expiration date on the letters, with past year’s letters still redeemable.

In addition, vouchers are available to Richardson residents at monthly giveaways at various locations. For example, public services staff will be giving out rolls of blue bags at Fire Station No. 6 on March 22, March 24 and March 28 at 2:30 p.m. Vouchers may be redeemed at Richardson City Hall during regular business hours.

City facilities at which the Blue Bag Letters can be redeemed include City Hall, Huffhines Recreation Center, Heights Recreation Center, Richardson Senior Center and Richardson Service Center.

Richardson also provides a drop-off recycling center located at the Westside Pump Station at 101 N. Cottonwood Drive. The center is open from 7 a.m.-9 p.m. seven days a week.

For more information, visit