AISD expanding prekindergarten class offeringsThree-year-old children have the opportunity to start school early as Austin ISD expands its Pre-K 3 program to 13 elementary schools in the 2015-16 school year.

The program began on a pilot basis in the 2014-15 school year at Oak Springs and Zavala elementary schools in East Austin.

The expansion to 11 additional schools, including five in Southwest Austin, came about through a $215,000 grant from United Way for Greater Austin, AISD spokesperson Jacob Barrett said. The funding covered the startup costs at the additional campuses, he said.

“The main benefit for [Pre-K 3 students] is being in a school-type atmosphere so they can interact with other children and learn about how to go to school,” Barrett said. “It puts them in a position so that when they go into Pre-K 4, they know what they’re supposed to be doing every day.”

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