Austin ISD may extend the time of citizens communication at upcoming board meetings to give the public more opportunities to comment on its ongoing superintendent search.

School board trustee Tamala Barksdale suggested adding more time to the district's scheduled citizens communication—or adding citizens communication to additional meetings—to allow the public more opportunities to provide feedback on how AISD is conducting its superintendent search.

"People have things to say about shaping the search, the search process and ultimately the selection of the next superintendent, while of course that remains the board's responsibility," she said.

Members of the community can address the board during the public comment period at the beginning of each regular board meeting. Each speaker is limited to two minutes, and there is a limit of 30 speakers.

Trustee Robert Schneider noted the board has not yet decided whether it wants to conduct an open or closed search, and he was unsure how adding more time would benefit the district. The district is also in the process of potentially hiring a superintendent search firm, and Schneider said he'd like to wait until one is hired so the board can consult the firm on how to go about engaging the community.

"People are going to follow this process whether it is open or closed," Barksdale said. She added that even if the board does decide to use a closed process, trustees will not simply "go behind closed doors;" they will continue to consider public input while making its decision.

Adding about 30 minutes of extra citizens communication time to allow about 25 speakers time to comment on the superintendent search in upcoming meetings could be an efficient use of time, trustee Jayme Mathias suggested.

Board President Vincent Torres noted the district provides many opportunities for the public to provide input on a variety of topics. The board will plan to add more citizens communication time on a trial basis and revisit the subject once it hires a superintendent search firm, he said.

More information on the superintendent search is available at