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Missy Enaje

Government Reporter II

Missy Enaje' story

My name is Melissa, but you can call me Missy! I am a reporter for Houston's Inner Loop team, and I also occasionally cover Harris County news. I'm an avid traveler and call New York City my second home. I studied journalism and met my husband there. I've lived and worked in print and broadcast journalism across the country, from Chicago to Washington, D.C., and studied/lived in Europe (Spain, Italy and France) in college. I'm a washed-up athlete who enjoys sports and fashion!

What is one of your strengths and how do you use it at CI?

My top strength is Positivity. I use it by implementing a positive outlook at work, which helps with how I interact with just about anyone, including my talented co-Impacters. I am surrounded by supportive teammates who help me build my confidence and in-turn effectively produce impactful work. It's a whole ecosystem of positivity for good, being a light for others and sharing that joy.

What is your favorite project you worked on while at CI?

I would say it's a tie between all of my feature stories, which are so fun, and when I was invited me to be one of the Houston panelists for local journalism students! I enjoy empowering the youth and equipping them with the tools to be the best versions of themselves.

Choose one word to describe your teammates


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